Nanoindentation and Mechanical Properties

Helmut-Fischer Fisherscope HM2000 nanoindentation

FISCHERSCOPE HM2000 is a professional microhardness measurement instrument for the analysis of mechanical and elastic properties of materials by means of nanoindentation. Its very rigid and dimensionally stable construction reduces the influence of vibrations and fluctuations in temperature. Constant measurement conditions make it ideal for demanding measurement tasks in research and industrial applications. Moreover, its semi-automatic measurement procedures make it ideal for serial testing.



  • Determination of numerous plastic and elastic properties such as indentation hardness (convertible into Vickers hardness), modulus of indentation and creep
  • Measurement and computation of material parameters according to DIN EN ISO 14577-1 and ASTM E 2546
  • Modular construction enables flexible adaptation to customer-specific requirements, even retroactively
  • Indenters: Vickers, Berkovich or carbide ball
  • Measuring head suitable for the measurement of creep at constant temperatures over several hours
  • Microscope with three magnification levels for exact positioning of the measuring spot
  • Autonomous, highly accurate determination of zero level with fast forwarding
  • Programmable XY-table for automatic testing of numerous measuring points
  • Quickly evaluate and clearly present your measurement results with high-performance WIN-HCU software



  • Characterization of surfaces in research and development, for example hard chrome or ceramic coatings on medical implants
  • Hardness testing on complex geometries, such as casings
  • Serial testing of mass-produced parts in electroplating
  • Quality assurance of circuit boards, for example testing of the resistance of thin gold coatings or control of insulating layers
  • Testing the toughness and strength of metal foils
  • Measurement of properties determining wear, such as the hardness and strength of PVD or CVD coatings and hard materials, for example TiN, CrN and TiAIN coatings
  • Mechanical, elastic and plastic properties of thin DLC coatings
  • Measurement of the hardness and elasticity of paint coatings, for example automotive paint finishes
  • Testing the mechanical properties of thin anodized layers (hard anodizing)
  • Proving the scratch and abrasion resistance of coatings
  • Automated measurements on multiple samples



  • Enclosed measurement chamber to avoid external influences such as air streams from air conditioning units
  • Active damping table to reduce vibration influences
  • Heatable sample overlays for material testing at increased temperatures
  • Atomic force microscope (AFM): record the three-dimensional surface of your sample and measure additional material parameters such as frictional properties
  • High-precision positioning table for positioning accuracy to < 500 nm
  • More powerful microscope with autofocus and automatic object recognition
  • Specimen holders for different samples

For more information visit Helmut Fischer website.

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